Davis Dyslexia Correction® Program

The Davis Dyslexia Correction® Program is an effective correction program that provides the client with unique tools to overcome their learning challenges.

A short breakdown of what will be covered in the Program:

  • 30 hours spread out over 5- 8 days depending on the clients pace and availability.
  • Performed one-on-one and very interactive.
  • The program enables the client to value creativity as a learning tool.
  • There are two major tools of the Davis Dyslexia Correction® program. First is the Focus tool which we refer to as Orientation Counselling or Alignment. The second is the Learning Tool we call Symbol Mastery; this is when we use the clay to master a symbol, word or concept.
  • Mastery of confusing letters, symbols, and reference skills.
  • Using clay, students first work with the alphabet, numerals, and punctuation marks. This is to make sure that they have an accurate perception and understanding of these symbols. Students then use clay to model the trigger words–often referred to as “sight words”, that are frequently encountered in reading, such as and, the, to, or it. These words cause problems for dyslexic students as they are unable to form a mental picture to go along with them. After Davis Symbol Mastery®, the student then has their own unique picture to associate with each word.
  • Davis Symbol Mastery® gives dyslexic students the ability to think with symbols and words. Allowing them to learn to read easily and with full comprehension
  • Through Symbol Mastery, the student makes a three-dimensional clay model of the meaning of each word, together with a model of the letters of the words. With this approach, learning is permanent as well as fun.
  • Balance and co-ordination improvement through koosh ball exercises.
  • The self regulation tool creates an energy level awareness and assists with managing stressful situations.
  • The reading tools are designed to train the brain to develop the direct, visual word recognition system that non-dyslexics acquire naturally.
  • Support training is provided to parents, so that they can continue to work with the child at home.
  • On completion, students are given a kit containing all materials needed to continue to practice Davis® techniques and to continue with clay modelling until they have mastered all the common trigger words.

For a more details on the Davis Dyslexia Correction® Program please contact us or visit